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DIALOG EXAMPLE - Talk Show About a New Indonesian President

Nurmalisa Dwi Wulandari    -->   Nurmalisa as moderator
M. Deliar Nur                      
-->   Mr. Deli as informant I (pro)
M. Aji Pradana                    
-->   Mr. Prada as informant II (kontra)
Firda Irmawanti                   
-->   Ms. Firda as speaker from KPU member

On the television station, there are a interesting program that form Talk Show “Otak Atik Show”
Nurmalisa        : “Good Morning, ladies and gentleman. See you again on “Otak Atik Show” now as you see together with me there are 3 people. First, on my besides, Mr Deli as a famous informant
from Capital City. Good Morning Mr. Deli, How are you today? And then the second informant there are Mr. Prada. Good Morning Mr. Prada, How are you today? And the last Ms Firda as a speker of KPU. Good Morning Ms. Firda, How are you today?”
Mr Deli, Mr Prada, Ms Firda : “Good Morning too, I’m fine.”
Nurmalisa        : “Okey, now I have first questions for Mr. Deli. Mr. Deli, What do you think about our new president as Jokowi ?”
Mr. Deli          : “In my view, Jokowi is a charismatic people, much people love him. It’s because of he can makes a real movement that different than with other. I think the good movement can make Indonesia more better.”
Nurmalisa        : ”Okey that’s right, But I think, some people don’t like Jokowi. Not all like Jokowi, how about your opinion, Mr. Deli ?”
Mr. Deli           : “I think it ideal in the real life there are like and there are not like.”
Nurmalisa        : “Thank’s for Mr. Deli. And now I have some questions for Mr. Prada . Mr. Prada, do you agree with Mr.Deli’s opinion? Please give your opinion.”
Mr. Aji            : “Before it, thank’s for time. In my opinion, Jokowi is not carismatic enough, not distinct enough and is not authority enough.”
Nurmalisa        : “Okey okey, But, the character of each people is different, we know it. Jokowi has special character that so strong. Isn’t ?”
Mr. Prada        : “Okey, Jokowi is Indonesian President to 2014-2019 period. He should has authority enough, don’t weak. He must explicit.”
Mr. Deli          : “oh oh. In my opinion, it’s a characteristic that unforgettable. Jokowi is a president that different with others.”
Mr. Prada        : “Mr. Deli, but if Jokowi becomes Indonesian President, maybe Indonesia will be broken.”
Nurmalisa        : “Mr. Deli, Mr. Prada, be slowly, maybe, Ms. Firda can give the statements.”
Ms. Firda        : ”Please be slowly Mr. deli and Mr. Prada, I will present about this pemilu. Three months ago pemilu was done and the result Jokowi is new Indonesian President  2014-2019 period. Everyone at all selected is the best choice from citizen. Who all like minded or don’t like minded must be accept it. And don’t arraign another. We must positive thinking and believe him that he can lead this country.”
Nurmalisa        : “ladies and gentleman. that’s all. Thanks for Mr. Deli, Mr. Prada, and Ms. Firda. We must respect our president. Thank for your attention. See you for the next time!”



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