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Showing posts from October, 2014

Sekolahku - SMA N 1 Kendal

          SMA Negeri 1 Kendal merupakan sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Kendal Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya. Sekolah ini merupakan barometer pendidikan di Kabupaten Kendal. Semua anak di daerah Kendal pasti ingin bersekolah di SMA N 1 Kendal atau SMANIK yang merupakan singkatan dari SMA tersebut.           Memang jelas jika kebanyakan anak ingin bersekolah di smanik. Selain lokasinya yang strategis, smanik juga memiliki segudang prestasi yang luar biasa. Mulai dari akademik ataupun non akademik. Selain itu, sarana prasarana di SMA N 1 Kendal cukup lengkap dan berkualitas. Adapun guru pembimbing disini memiliki kualitas mengajar yang luar biasa. Itu dapat membuat anak didiknya memiliki karakter dan kepribadian yang santun dan berbudi luhur.

Contoh Teks Explanation

Tsunami Tsunami is a large wave on the ocean, usually caused by an undersea earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or coastal landslide  and often causes extreme destruction when it strikes land. It a lso called tidal waves. Tsunamis can have heights of up to 30 m (98 ft) and reach speeds of 950 km (589 mi) per hour. They are characterized by long wavelengths of up to 200 km (124 mi) and long periods, usually between 10 and 60 minutes. Tsunami destroyed many buildings and damaged ecosystems in the region . The tsunami also caused damage to coastal areas as well as areas that were swept away by the tsunami. Initially the giant waves of the beach overflowing on the road and sweeping people , buildings , cars , trees , and houses crashing into each other which then caused damage in all respects. The tsunami destroyed buildings , resulting from the impact of high energy waves of the tsunami and the effects of erosion on the metal components o...